Ghost in the Shell (1995 Movie) – Review – You Can’t Teach New Dog Old Tricks?

In a world where robots and mechanical body parts have long replaced fragile bone-and-flesh of the human body, the lines between humans and androids have blurred. Androids with human memories, humans with android bodies, they are all the same… But, they do share one thing in common…

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30 fingers on two hands…

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Invisibility cloaks…


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And ultimately, nice boot… …legged android bodies that would sell pretty nicely in the black market with a market price of USD 1.3 million.

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Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell, the 1995 movie is set in the same dystopian setting as the series and movies after the original movie, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Ghost in the Shell: Arise, only in parallel universes. It is set in the mid-twenty first century in the fictional city of Nihama and follows the endeavors of the Public Security Sector 9. In this fictional universe, people could have cybernetic transplants to boost their physical strength or to replace broken limbs. The cybernetic technology available was so advanced to the extent that people could opt to insert their consciousness into robots, so that they could possess supernatural abilities and strength. This however, opens the possibility to the mind being hacked and bent to benefit certain parties…

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One such person is Major Motoko Kusanagi of the Section 9, who has such a full-body prosthesis, known as “shells”, that houses her cyber-brain. She and her team was assigned to apprehend an elusive cyberhacker, known as the Puppetmaster, that hacks into people’s consciousness with cybernetic bodies, but things were not as simple as it seems…

It is now the year 2015 and it has been 20 years since this film has been released. It is said to have influenced many popular Western movies like The MatrixAvatar and has many high-profile people registered as the film’s fans. James Cameron and Steven Speilberg have came out and praised the show as sensational animated movie that was ahead of its time and “…the first to reach a level of literary excellence”.

Throughout its 20 years existence, it has caused ripples throughout the Western community. Not just for awhile, but for a very long time. In 1999, The Wachowski Brothers released the sensational The Matrix and claimed Ghost in the Shell as its source of inspiration. More recently, Scarlett Johansson was casted as Major Mokoto Kusanagi in the Ghost in the Shell live action movie adaptation, spelling fears that something may be lost in translation in the making of the movie.

Sure, it may be sensational inspiration back in those days, but is it still relevant to today’s generation? Can it continue to enthrall and inspire the current generation?

Well, in my humble opinion, no.

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Okay, I don’t intend to start another flame war or anything, but to be honest, for the past 20 years, we have been bombarded with all sorts of cyberpunk movies and science fictions, so many that we couldn’t even keep count anything. From The Matrix, to I, Robot, to the Terminator franchise etc., I have seen so many dystopian futures, so much so that I don’t think the concept of having sentient artificial intelligence and cyborgs in some dystopian future would still remain its originality, now in 2015.

Frankly speaking, Ghost in the Shell wasn’t the first to suggest artificial intelligence gaining sentience nor was it the first to question human identity. The 1966 Phillip K. Dick novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and its subsequent film adaptation, Blade Runner explored the same concept way before Ghost in the Shell ever existed.

Anyway, back to the main topic though, was it a good movie? Well, regarding that question, yes.

There is no doubt it was a good movie, if not, great, it’s just that I couldn’t feel the excitement or the enthusiasm I was supposed to have. The plot was intricately woven and smart, while themes of human identity embedded into the main plot. You could literally feel the weight of the show bearing down while watching it. The heavy topics explored in the film was further emphasized and complimented by many heavily detailed stills and the eerie yet serene background music.

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In the short 82 minutes of the film, I felt the character development was very well done, doing well to portray Major Kusanagi as a seemingly robotic, cold and calculating person. The main character’s development was a rather smart attempt to flesh out the themes of human identity and how people identify themselves as humans. It made us question the humanity of the main character, but no more than that.

I feel like if I had watched this movie when it was just released, I would have been inspired by this film. I would probably have the same reaction as the Wachowski Brothers, as James Cameron, as Steven Spielberg. Too bad, the same questions many others have been asking for quite some time now, was posed to me once again, and I have lost the enthusiasm that I initially had.

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From the technical aspects, I felt that this show was very magnificent in terms of fluidity in animation and the BGMs. The fluidity of the action scenes was breathtaking and you wonder, whether or not this was a cel animation production. The aforementioned eerie soundtrack was exceptional too, as it brings out the weight of the themes explored in the film.

All things said and done, after taking into consideration the points awarded for the plot, character development, animation and sound, and my personal enjoyment, I now give you the scores which I think is befitting to this 1995 film:

8.28 (Good)

If I had watched this show back when it was first released, it would have easily gotten a rating of 8.5 and above. Oh well then.

So, this is the end, I guess. Leave a comment (preferably not hate comments, I’m not good with that.) and whatever. Till the next review, cheerio.

Parasyte : The Maxim – Review – Right Hand Rules and Philosophy

If you have the right to live, so do we. Granted, I believe rights are a concept unique to the human species.

– Migi

Humans are a cowardly bunch, they have many things they fear because they have many things that they do not understand. Because of that, we humans are inclined to seek knowledge.


Some seek scientific knowledge, some turn to religion in hopes to quell their fears, some turn to atheism to dispel fears of the unknown by claiming they don’t exist. But, curiosity drives us. It motivates us.


We think, we try, we experiment. Philosophers come and go, scientific discoveries are documented one after another, but we could never possibly, especially by ourselves, answer the age-old question:

“Why do we exist?”



Parasyte: The Maxim answers this question….and more…


Parasyte The Maxim

Parasyte: The Maxim is an anime adapted from the 1988 science fiction horror manga by the same name. It revolves around Izumi Shinichi, a normal, nerdy 17-year old teenager. One day, a parasitic worm-like creature attempted to enter his head and take control of his brain. However, it failed as he slept with his earphones on and when it decided to enter through the nose, Shinichi was alerted to its presence. In a desperate bid to enter Shinichi’s body to avoid death, it burrowed into Shinichi’s right hand and settled there.

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The next day though, Shinichi realized that his right hand was now under the influence of another creature. Shinichi realized that the creature was a highly intellectual being albeit having the emotional sentiments of an insect, and called it Migi, literally ‘right’ in Japanese. Migi is a rather selfish creature as it cares only for its own survival and could shape-shifts Shinichi‘s right hand, changing the composition of the hand while doing so.

Meanwhile, Migi’s failure, as a parasite, to destroy the human consciousness drew the attention of Migi’s comrades and some of them decided that Shinichi and Migi are both dangerous to their species, thus attacking them. Their lives now at stake, the duo now have to work together to fend off other parasites that have taken over the brains of their human hosts.

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The plot of the anime adaptation is rather simplistic. There is no distinct plot or story arcs. Rather, it follows the daily life of Shinichi and Migi as they attempt work around the obstacles faced as they go about their daily lives. It doesn’t attempt to do anything clever, but follows the plot and makes up things as they go.

The more interesting portions of the show focuses on the philosophical side of the story. The psychological aspect of the plot is rather interesting, as you follow the ups and downs of the characters’ mental state. Such a thought-provoking plot is commendable and the execution was flawless. There were not many plot-holes but if there were such plot holes, they wouldn’t be obstructive or even obvious enough to be noteworthy.

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The character development of the show was rather intriguing too. The variety of characters, humans and parasites alike, ranging from serial killers to detectives to parasite mothers are rather interesting to watch. I mean, watching parasitic creatures with the sentiment of an insect trying to figure out human reasoning is definitely a much needed change of pace compared to the regular anime cliches to be had.

That being said, the main human characters do feel a tad bit dull in comparison (Just a tad bit, mind you) since they were regular high-school students, but I’d leave that to your own discretion. Everyone’s tastes are different after all.

However, it is interesting to point out that the manga the anime is adapted from is as ‘seinen’ as it gets. It’s gritty, it’s dirty, it’s bloody, and most of all, it’s downright gross. Let me give you an example.

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Do you know the reason for the anime setting being in an high school? No, it was not because it was following a set anime-high school trope. The reason the author chose to set the story in a high school was actually out of consideration for a particular scene in which Migi shape-shifts Shinichi’s right hand into the shape of a penis in front of the main heroine, Satomi Murano.

In fact, in one scene of the already toned-down anime, Migi was obviously very interested in how the human body (Read ‘d***’) works and promptly tried to cause an erection when Shinichi is answering nature’s call in the school toilet. It also referred to Satomi as the girl Shinichi wants to ‘mate’ with, which he eventually did in the later half of the anime. I can already imagine those bloody doujinshi authors franticall churning out hentai manga based on this anime. ‘Cuz you know, inspiration strikes only once, right? Especially with shape-shifting, tentacle-like right hand, y’know?

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Now you know where all the masturbation jokes came from.

If you’re grossed out already, don’t worry. This anime adaptation is extremely toned down and almost all the sexually charged parts of the manga has been left out, replaced with only the less offensive and sometimes rather awkward sex references. Even the gory parts that was supposed to be the main attraction of the manga itself was toned down so much so that blood splatters on the wall is probably the goriest scenes you will get from the anime. The parasites themselves were also less intimidating and scary compared to their manga counterparts.

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While that is the price to pay in exchange for being produced as an anime, I wouldn’t say it was for the better. It’s not as if I have a fetish for shape-shifting hands or extreme gore, but in the anime adaptation, there are many scenes that felt a little odd as there were parts of the story that felt as if there were missing portions. Though I can’t help but feel a little weird, the alterations did not directly affect the story.

However, it did alter the overall feel of the anime. Instead of feeling as if it were a seinen horror science fiction, it feels like it is adapted from a shounen action manga. While it doesn’t necessarily means that the anime is bad, it is safe to say that the feel of the anime has deviated from that of the manga.

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The animation is fluid and well done, though not exactly very outstanding. I guess it will suffice. Not every studio is like Ufotable, after all. The music though, was quite peculiar. For some reason, the background is very jarring and definitely didn’t suit the show at all. The piano background music in sentimental scenes were out-of-place due to its pacing and the dubstep/techno soundtracks during the fight/confrontation scenes were so weird that I actually found it hard to take that particular scene seriously because the music was too weird.

All in all, Parasyte: The Maxim is an enjoyable anime with fluid pacing and packs a lot of punch. Even though I say that, it is not exactly very memorable as it lacks something that stands out among the crowd. If anything, the BGM is the only thing about the anime that stands out. I mean, in today’s anime realm filled with multi-colored haired characters and cross-dressing traps (in the 2015 summer season, there are already two main characters I know of that are traps), you’ve gotta have something that stands out to be great, and that is the one thing that is lacking in this anime.

Thus, after I have meticulously calculated the scores for plot, character development, animation and sound, and my own personal enjoyment, which I have injected with 5 individual parasites, making it into an impervious, invisible yet fragile being of mass destruction, I decided to award Parasyte: The Maxim with a rating of:

8.05 (Good)

There you have it, my review of Parasyte: The Maxim. Well, I know I said some bad things about the show in the past, but now that I’ve watched the whole thing, I would say it is quite good. I still won’t say it’s the best though.


I know, I sound rather serious and all in this review, but I just can’t joke about a show like this. Well, maybe just the occasional masturbation joke that doesn’t seem appropriate at all. I just finished my mid-semester examination and binge-watched the whole Parasyte series in two days and even caught up to the latest episode of Ushio to Tora. Now all I have to do is find a reliable Wi-Fi to upgrade to Windows 10.

I am now flexing my muscles to binge-watch another series. This time around though, it’s a 51-episode long, well known anime series. It’s a little old, but the animation is splendid and I’m enjoying it so far. Out of all the ongoing series, I found only a few worthy of my attention. That is a story for another day, though.

So, till the next post, Cheerio!


Genocyber – Review – Gore and Controversy

Do you like mindless gore?




Genocyber 5


*throws up*


Genocyber: The Animation is a 1993 anime OVA series that is adapted from an unfinished manga series by the same name. It revolves around two sisters, Elaine and Diana Reed. Both were revealed to have extremely powerful telekinesis powers and are raised as biological weapons. Kenneth Reed, claiming to be their father, wanted to fuse the two sisters together in order to create a bigger, stronger monster with unlimited power.

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However, Kenneth Reed wasn’t the only one who wanted to get his hands on this weapon that is capable of mass destruction. His superiors and employers, Kuryuu Group, discovered the existence of such a weapon and proceeded to capture Elaine Reed, who was more powerful than her sister, Diana.

Here’s the catch, though. Unlike DianaElaine is utterly disobedient towards her father and often escapes from the facility in which she was kept in. During one such occasion, she meets a homeless boy and becomes attached to him. When the people of Kuryuu Group decides to capture Elaine, and Diana was sent by Kenneth Reed in order to prevent Elaine from falling into the hands of the Kuryuu Group, all hell breaks loose.

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This OVA series is split into three story arcs and there are time intervals between the three. The plot is rather complex, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself lost in the midst of all the chaos.

This OVA series is produced in 1993 and is infamous for its controversial graphic violence and gore. The show really pulled no punches as it cynically, almost gleefully, unfurls the madness that is Genocyber. Despite having so many weight-y themes in the story, I find myself unshaken by everything that is going on. Why, you may ask?

Well, even though I didn’t want to admit it, I am after all, such a strong and willful person. I have endured the darkest recesses of the Internet and developed a heart of stone. Puny human beings like you wouldn’t possibly comprehend my hardness. In fact, I am so hard that I…

Genocyber 1

*throws up*


*Ahem* As I was saying, this show isn’t for the light-hearted, for sure. More so, for those people who actually get offended easily, because this show tries its very best to offend. Ranging from child sexual molestation to severe mutilation and decapitation, this show is extremely violent and graphic.

Most people who watch this show would either loathe it or love it, mainly because of its gore and violent plot. While I do understand the reasoning behind them liking or hating it, I find myself rather unaffected by all of that.

It isn’t necessarily because I am a strong person or whatever. The main reason for me not over-reacting like the others is because I found the show to be rather pointless. Aside for to establish itself as a cyberpunk gore anime and to penetrate the Western market by shaking it to its very core, I couldn’t find much other reason to justify the usage of graphic scenes.

Genocyber tries way too hard to be what it isn’t and is better off without so much gore. If it wasn’t trying so hard to shake things up, the story wouldn’t be drowned out, and at its fullest potential, it could very well shake up the community despite having considerably less gore.

For example, if the more sentimental parts or the complex portions of the sci-fi story were to be explained more thoroughly, I’m pretty sure it would have been so much more than just a bloodbath that it is now.

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It’s too bad that the plot is under-developed and drowned out by all the gore and bloodshed. The motives of the characters weren’t explained thoroughly enough either, and that causes the viewers to be unable to relate to the them.

The animation, on the other hand is rather detailed and it kind of brings out the troubling atmosphere of the show. Despite that, this is 2015 and I doubt the old school animation, no matter how detailed, can be successfully translated into the modern world today. I mean, how can animation of old be able to match up against the technology we have now? (Aside from Cowboy Bebop, that is.) Surely, it wouldn’t be able to retain the same impact as it had back in those days. The music, the BGMs and the ending theme were old-school but suited the show rather well. At least, that’s what I think.

With all that being said, after meticulously calculating the points awarded for story, character, music and animation and my personal enjoyment, having it undergo a massive surgery which removes all its skin and muscle tissues, revealing internal organs within, had me awarding this show with a rating of:

7 (Average)

If you like gore and want more of it, I point you towards the revered gore anime of all time, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls. I mean, it’s not everyday that you can find so much intestines and psychological torture in one place. Intestines are fine, but if it were to be human…

*throws up*


If you want more 1990s anime bullshit crap, I recommend you City Hunter, another one of my all time favourite anime from the 1990s.


So, there you have it. I’ve finally gotten around to watching Parasyte: The Maxim and may appear with a review soon enough. Or with a right hand that shapeshifts and do as I pleases.


So, till the next review, cheerio!


Fate/Stay Night : Unlimited Blade Works – Review – Hmm…

In a world where mages dwell among commoners, magic battles among mages that are hidden from public view are commonplace all over the world.


Go home, Hagrid. You’re drunk.

One such battle, or rather, war, is the Holy Grail War which takes place in New Fuyuki City of Japan. It involves the summoning of seven mythical figures with otherworldly strengths and powers which allies themselves with seven mages to do battle in order to gain the omnipotent, wish-granting Holy Grail.

During this period of time, mages kill each other, glorious, landscape-destroying battles erupt spontaneously out of nowhere and everyone involved in this war put their lives at stake in order to gain the Holy Grail to satisfy their wants and desires, some good, some bad.


First, let us go on a date!

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This is a pic of me and my bae, window shopping together. We had a lot of time to get to know each other! I mean, we could get killed if we miscalculated anything ‘cuz you know we’re in this Holy Gold War thingy. But, I mean, life is but a game, right? Like a hentai game, right?

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Mmm…I love orange cake. And tea too! Mmm…my favourite. I’m almost broke, but I’d rather eat this banana/cherry/ice cream whatchamacallit thingy before I get killed by some cray-cray bastard from the ancient civilization of Mesopotato or some other Indian name. Forgot it.

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Why don’t we escape somewhere too? I know! Let’s go to London! Why not?! I mean…

WHY THE HECK NOT????!!!!!!!

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Fate/Stay Night:Unlimited Blade Works is an anime series adapted from the eroge visual novel Fate/Stay Night. Like all visual novels, the story has different routes which is decided by what the character chooses to do during the course of the game. For the visual novel Fate/Stay Night, there are three routes to be chosen: Fate, Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven’s Feel. This series adapts the second route Unlimited Blade Works from the visual novel and is comparatively less informative than the original Fate/Stay Night (2006) adaptation but it shouldn’t too much of a bother even if you’re completely new to the Fate series.

As aforementioned, Fate/Stay Night: UBW revolves around the Holy Grail War in which seven mages known as Masters are selected to battle each other by summoning seven legendary heroes known as Servants. The main goal of this battle is to eliminate all other opponents and gain the Holy Grail which will grant the owner’s wish. Unlike its prequel Fate/Zero which has only a shadow of a main character, this one has a definite main character by the name of Emiya Shirou.

Unlike in the first anime adaptation back in 2006, Emiya is now more impressive and less of the stupid jerk that he is. Well, actually, he hasn’t changed that much. His blunders are still pretty much intolerable, like screwing up strategies and stopping others from fighting properly because…


Okay, now this Emiya guy is also one of the selected participants in the Holy Grail War after summoning a Servant of his own, known only as Saber.

Although he summoned the strongest Servant class, he is an unwilling Master supposedly mainly because he only has a little knowledge about magic and doesn’t like killing people. In fact, he’s so unwilling to see people being miserable that he ends up being miserable himself and thick-headed towards other people’s kindness towards him.

Anyway, after unexpectedly summoning Saber, she proceeds to attack his schoolmate, Tohsaka Rin, observing nearby which is co-incidentally also another Master and he stops Saber by using a Command Spell.

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Um…well, there are too many plot points to be discussed, so I’ll just leave it at that. You must understand the first two episodes in the series are a total of 2 hours long, so please, watch it yourself if you’re interested.

In terms of plot and story, this adaptation of Fate/Stay Night is undoubtedly better than the first. There are a plethora of plot points and development in the story department and at the end of every episode, we are treated with plenty of suspense to keep you up all night. Even though the ending is kind of predictable already, the show keeps you guessing on what will happen next and the characters’ back story like the various identities of the Servants, the most intriguing back story being that of Archer.

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However, Ufotable Inc., the studio producing this series, follows the original storyline from the visual novel closely. And one can’t expect too much, from a story adapted directly from an eroge visual novel. I mean, seriously, most of the characters in the series are high school students. What can you expect? Even though there is that one plot twist spanning the entire series which is refreshing, but that is all there is to it.

Aside from being a tad bit predictable, the show seemingly just pushes on with the plot even though stuff happened and no explanation is available at all. In fact, the two main characters can leisurely go on with their lives even though they are involved in a supernatural, magical war which could potentially destroy the world. Too little f***s were given as they leisurely went to school, went on a date, strolled all over town and walked right into enemy territory to chit chat.

I mean, seriously, did you forget that you were in a war?

Character wise, this show is not the most original nor the most intriguing, especially if you compare it with its prequel Fate/Zero.

While Emiya Kiritsugu kills in cold-blood and employs whatever methods at his disposal to achieve his goal, Emiya Shirou, his adopted son is so transfixed on helping others that he is willing to hurt himself to do so. On the other hand, Tohsaka Tokiomi is a prideful mage that will cut down whoever he thinks is unworthy, Tohsaka Rin is the sort of generic tsundere with fake pride and is actually a total klutz.

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While I don’t mind the characters being the way they are, I kind of wished that their actions to be more thoroughly explained because most of the second half of the series, I cannot comprehend the logic behind their reasoning and that kind of bugs me to no end. In the end, the second half of the series was kind of a blur for me, and I can’t seem recall much from it.

Animation-wise, Ufotable Inc. is one of the best studios out there in producing splendid and jaw-dropping action scenes. The action in the series was simply gorgeous as every frame was so detailed that I can’t help but wonder… Just how deep are their pockets anyway?

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Maybe, just maybe, this show should be renamed:

Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Budget Works



The music was also great, as the soundtracks were amazing. Well, in the technical aspects, this show is simply the best. No doubt about it.

But is it the best anime can offer?


To say that this series is good is an understatement, but saying that this is the best, is an exaggeration. While this is a very enjoyable series and most of its flaws can be overlooked easily, I can’t deny the critic inside me because it is not perfect. While I’m just being selfish here and trying to satisfy my ego, I can still guarantee that if you are looking for a great anime, or simply looking for a way to entertain yourself endlessly, this series will definitely fulfill your requirements.

So, after meticulously calculated the points awarded for story, character development, animation and sound and the degree of my inflated ego, after which going through a wet dream in which I got laid by Archer…

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(Wait, what?)

I decided to give this series a rating of:

8.4 (Near Great)

Before I go, I must apologize for being so late in publishing this review but as you guys would have already known, I’m quite busy and my hands are kind of full, so I must ask that you guys bear with me, ’cause I don’t wanna compromise on the quality of reviews I produce. I mean, quality over quantity, right?

But, fret not, my semester break is near and I have yet to review a number of anime series and OVAs that I have watched recently. But, I must ask that you guys not keep your hopes up too high, cause things may pop up and I may be once occupied with real life and stuff. So, I guess this is it for now.

Thanks for all the support thus far. I appreciate it and look forward to writing more reviews.

Till the next post, cheerio~~


How In The World, Heaven and Earth, Did This Happen?

Have you ever woke up one day, feeling like your life has been nothing but a dream? Have you ever experienced an otherworldly/surreal feeling when you look around you, as you wonder to yourself: “Why do the birds go on singing? Why do the stars glow above?”


But that’s exactly what I felt when I switched on my laptop to check on my blog. Bloody hell, how on earth did I still retain this much viewers?!
I have no idea, but I would like to thank all of you reading this for still supporting my blog, even though I am a lousy time manager and has appeared to have deserted my blog. Regardless of whether or not you guys know it, you guys gave me the motivation to continue writing, even though I’m so busy. So, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers and to apologize for not updating as frequently as before.


So, I’m back and I reckon I should just provide a quick update to my readers out there and let them know what to expect.

I’m not sure if I have ever mentioned it, but I am now in college.


Well, yeah. I’m a twat in my nappies reviewing anime. I’m pretty sure people who don’t know me would think of me as some crazy college nerd somewhere out there, reviewing god-forsaken anime while fapping to some tentacle porn/hentai/panty shots.

Well, no shit, Sherlock!


Anyway, an insight into my college life. Well, I’m definitely no rich ass, sunbathing in the Malibus, while sipping on cocktails and liqour. In fact, I’m so poor that I am living in a third-world country, and living off government sponsorship for my undergraduate education. Well, given that I am actually studying in a place in which my education is fully sponsored by my third-world country government, I can’t expect a life fit for a king.

In fact, there is no Wi-Fi provided in this place, and even if I come across a Wi-Fi hotspot with Internet connection, I would have to settle for a ridiculously slow speed. I won’t specify the exact details and statistics, but if I did, you would:

  1. Laugh your butt off.
  2. Cringe at the screen like some retard, while trying to imagine life with such mental torture.
  3. Roll on the floor. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.

Due to the horror of not having an Internet speed that will enable me to download an episode of HD anime within seconds, my ability to watch anime and post updates on the go has been severely affected, thus leading to a posting drought.

The other problem I have with being in this particular college is that, I am in the supposedly “fast-track” course to prepare me into university. That means, extra classes are the norm around here and the lecturers go speeding through the syllabus at break-neck speed. Thank goodness I am so smart and still can take naps in the afternoon.


Well, jokes aside, I am also severely lacking in sleep and time and I no longer have the luxury of watching 3 hours of anime non-stop. Even if I have the time, I tend to rest my head on my throne of rest and bliss: my bed. As a result, I have not watched Youtube anime reviews and Pewdiepie in a long time. Being cut off from my source of entertainment(mostly) and inspiration, I have lost almost all my motivation to review anything at all. However, fret not, I have rearranged my schedule as the dust settles, so I should be able to produce reviews on a fortnightly basis, and hopefully, even on a weekly basis some time later.

On a side note, my standard of English may differ, hopefully by only a little bit. That’s because everyone here doesn’t speak in English. Whaddaya think? I ain’t livin’ in America, y’know? Anyway, I have not conversed properly in English ever since I arrived here 3 weeks ago. That is also a major problem that has been bothering me. Should my level of English drop in quality, how am I to continue with this blog?

Well, that’s all the problems I have been facing here in this piece of shit college with no air-conditioning nor a proper Wi-Fi. Actually, there are many others like hygiene and food, but that has nothing to do with my blog, so I’ll leave that issue aside.

But don’t worry, I will have something to review. For example, I am waiting for the final episode of Fate/Stay Night: UBW to release two days from now. I am poised to review that show and I am going to enjoy it.


The many ongoing series are also on my list of anime to be reviewed, like Kekkai Sensen and Arslan Senki. On a side note, I was geniunely surprised when they announced in one of the episodic previews that Kekkai Sensen will be only 12-episodes long.


So, that is all from me for today. I apologize for using so many memes again, but blame Google if you will. Anyway, you can expect a review next week and I shall try my very best not to disappoint you guys. Well then, thank you for all your support all this while, and as always, ciaossu!